Papers in Journals


Ryzhakov P.B., Martí J.M., Hashemi, M.R. Advances in Numerical Modeling of Coupled CFD Problems, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(5), 978, 2023.

Martí J.M., Oñate E. Enhanced semi-explicit particle finite element method via a modified Strang splitting operator for incompressible flows, Computational Particle Mechanics, 2023.

Turski Silva Diniz A., Martí J. M., Schartel B. High Heat Resistance Can Be Deceiving: Dripping Behavior of Polyamide 4.6 in Fire, Macromolecular, Materials and Engineering, 2300091, 2023.


Anaya P., Martín-Pérez B., Rodríguez J., Andrade C., Transfer length of corroded wires in prestressed concrete members, Structural Concrete, vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 154-171, 2022.

Andrade C., Oller S., Trujillo F.-J.P., Basis for calculation the residual mechanical properties of corroding bars, Structural Concrete, 2022.

Argiz C., Arroyo C., Bravo A., Moragues A., Andrade C., Bolzoni F., L-Ascorbic acid as an efficient green corrosion inhibitor of steel rebars in chloride contaminated cement mortar, Materials, vol. 15, issue 22, 2022.

Casas G., De Pouplana I., Gandikota R., Oñate E., Numerical simulation of particle impact drilling (PID) systems: a one-way coupled approach, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 735-757, 2022.

Ciarbonetti A.A., Idelsohn S., Spies R.D., Identification of the heterogeneous conductivity in an inverse heat conduction problem, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022.

Cornejo A., Jiménez S., Barbu L.G., Oller S., Oñate E., A unified non-linear energy dissipation-based plastic-damage model for cyclic loading, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 400, 2022.

Corzo S.F., Ramajo D.E., Idelsohn S.R., Study of ventilation and virus propagation in an urban bus induced by the HVAC and by opening of windows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 401, 2022.

Franceschini L., Vecchi F., Belletti B., Andrade C., Peiretti H.-C., Analytical method for the evaluation of the residual service life of prestressed concrete beams subjected to corrosion deterioration, Structural Concrete, vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 121-137, 2022.

González J.M., Marcipar J., Estruch C., Oñate E., Structural analysis and design of a large inflatable hangar for aircrafts, Structural Engineering International, 2022.

Idelsohn S.R., Giménez J.M., Lohner R., Oñate E., A multiscale approach for the study of particle-laden flows using a continuous model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 401, 2022.

Idelsohn S.R., Giménez J.M., Nigro N.M., The pseudo-direct numerical simulation method considered as a Reduced Order Model, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 9, issue 1, 2022.

Larreteguy A.E., Giménez J.M., Nigro N.M., Sivori F.M., Idelsohn S.R., A data-driven memory model for solving turbulent flows with the pseudo-direct numerical simulation method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 95, issue 1, pp. 44-802022.

Lee Y.X., Ahmad F., Kabir S., Masset P.J., Oñate E., Yeoh G.H., Synergistic effects of tubular halloysite clay and zirconium phosphate on thermal behavior of intumescent coating for structural steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 18, pp. 4456-4469, 2022.

Li K., Zeng J., Tang L., Sorensen H.E., Castro Borges P., Geiker M.R., Pedersen M.T., Zhang P., Surana S., Maddalena R., Wang J., Andrade C., Baroghel-Bouny V., Martírena-Hernandez F., Geng G., Kovler K., Wang S., Long-term field exposure of structural concretes in marine environment: state-of-the-art review by RILEM TC 289-DCM, Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, vol. 55, issue 7, 2022.

Lohner R., Antil H., Giménez J.M., Idelsohn S., Oñate E., A deterministic pathogen transmission model based on high-fidelity physics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 401, 2022.

Martí J., Oñate E., An enhanced semi-explicit particle finite element method for incompressible flows, Computational Mechanics, vol. 70, issue 3, pp. 607-620, 2022.

Martí J., Schartel B., Oñate E., Simulation of the burning and dripping cables in fire using the particle finite element method, Journal of Fire Sciences, vol. 40, issue 1, pp. 3-25, 2022.

Masó M., De Pouplana I., Oñate E., A FIC-FEM procedure for the shallow water equations over partially wet domains, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 389, 2022.

Masó M., Franci A., De Pouplana I., Cornejo A., Oñate E., A Lagrangian–Eulerian procedure for the coupled solution of the Navier–Stokes and shallow water equations for landslide-generated waves, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol. 9, issue 1, 2022.

Oñate E., Cornejo A., Zárate F., Kashiyama K., Franci A., Combination of the finite element method and particle-based methods for predicting the failure of reinforced concrete structures under extreme water forces, Engineering Structures, vol. 251, 2022.

Oñate E., de Pouplana I., Zárate F., Explicit time integration scheme with large time steps for first order transient problems using finite increment calculus, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 402, 115332, 2022.

Rodríguez J.M., Larsson S., Carbonell J.M., Jonsen P., Implicit or explicit time integration schemes in the PFEM modeling of metal cutting processes, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 709-733, 2022.

Ruiz-Menéndez G., Andrade C., Carro-Sevillano G., Pena C., Adeva P., Medina J., Fernández R., Identification of the failure mode of corroding steel rebars in a viaduct in service through hardness measurements, Results in Engineering, vol. 13, 2022.

Ryzhakov P., Hermosilla F., Ubach P.-A., Oñate E., Adaptive breakwaters with inflatable elements for coastal protection. Preliminary numerical estimation of their performance, Ocean Engineering, vol. 251, 2022.

Ryzhakov P., Martí J., Dialami N., A Unified Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian Model for Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems Involving Flows in Flexible Channels, Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 90, issue 3, 2022.

Runcie C.J., Lee C.H., Haider J., Gil A.J., Bonet J., An acoustic Riemann solver for large strain computational contact dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022.

Saura P., Zornoza E., Andrade C., Ferrándiz-Mas V., Garcés P., Composition of corroded reinforcing steel surface in solutions simulating the electrolytic environments in the micropores of concrete in the propagation period, Materials, vol.15, issue 6, 2022.

Sigler L., Gilabert J., Villalba G., Exploring methods for developing local climate zones to support climate research, Climate, vol. 10, issue 7, 2022.

Tavares F., Andrade C., Finite boundary conditions due to the bar presence in the model of chloride penetration, Materials, vol. 15, issue 4, 2022.

Zárate F., Cuellar J.J., Santana M., Saavedra J.M., Structural analysis of a railway bridge using the FEM-DEM technique, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, vol. 38, issue 1, 2022.


Bachmann J., Yi X., Tserpes K., Sguazzo C., Barbu L.G., Tse B., Soutis C., Ramón E., Linuesa H., Bechtel S., Towards a circular economy in the aviation sector using eco-composites for interior and secondary structures. Results and recommendations from the eu/china project eco-compass, Aerospace, vol. 8 (5), art. n. 131, 2021

Cornejo A., Franci A., Zárate F., Oñate E., A fully Lagrangian formulation for fluid-structure interaction problems with free-surface flows and fracturing solids, Computers and Structures, Vol. 250, art. n. 106532, 2021

Felippa, C., Oñate, E., Accurate Timoshenko beam elements for linear elastostatics and LPB stability, Archives of computational methods in engineering, Vol. 28 (3), art. n. 2080, 2021

Flores R., Burhani B.M., Fantino E., A method for accurate and efficient propagation of satellite orbits: A case study for a Molniya orbit, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 60 (2), art. n. 2661, 2021

Franci A., Lagrangian finite element method with nodal integration for fluid–solid interaction, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 8 (2), art. n. 389, 2021

Giannis K., Schilde C., Finke J.H., Kwade A., Celigueta M.A., Taghizadeh K., Luding S., Stress based multi-contact model for discrete-element simulations, Granular Matter, Vol. 23 (2), art. n. 17, 2021

Gimenez J.M., Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E., Löhner R., A Multiscale Approach for the Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows with Droplets, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 28 (6), art. n. 4185, 2021

Granados J.J., Martinez X., Nash N., Bachour C., Manolakis I., Comer A., Di Capua D., Numerical and experimental procedure for material calibration using the serial/parallel mixing theory, to analyze different composite failure modes, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. 28 (14), art. n. 1415, 2021

Hashemi M.R., Ryzhakov P.B., Rossi R., Three dimensional modeling of liquid droplet spreading on solid surface: An enriched finite element/level-set approach, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 442, art. n. 110480, 2021

Hashemi M.R., Ryzhakov P.B., Rossi R., Toward droplet dynamics simulation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells: Three-dimensional numerical modeling of confined water droplets with dynamic contact angle and hysteresis, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 33 (12), art. n. 122109, 2021

Hermosilla P., Quiroz C., Cabrejos F., Rivera F.M.-L., A proposal for the optimisation of algorithms for the calculation of the energy demands of residential housing, Mathematics, Vol. 9 (16), art. n. 1994, 2021

Hermosilla P., Muñoz-La Rivera F., Ateaga N., Gallardo E., Strategy for the evaluation and monitoring of competencies in engineering programs to improve students’ learning and quality of education, Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13 (21), art. n. 11721, 2021

Jaimes-Estévez J., Zafra G., Martí-Herrero J., Pelaz G., Morán A., Puentes A., Gomez C., Castro L.P., Hernández H.E.,Psychrophilic full scale tubular digester operating over eight years: Complete performance evaluation and microbiological population, Energies, Vol. 14 (1), art. n. 151, 2021

Jiménez S., Cornejo A., Barbu L.G., Barbat A.H., Oller S., Failure pressure analysis of a nuclear reactor prestressed concrete containment building, Engineering Structures, Vol. 236, art. n. 112052, 2021

Matí, J., de la Vega, J., Wang, D., Oñate, E., Numerical Simulation of Flame Retardant Polymers Using a Combined Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element Formulation, Applied Science, Vol. 11 (13), art. n. 5952, 2021

Mora-Serrano J., Muñoz-La Rivera F., Valero I., Factors for the automation of the creation of virtual reality experiences to raise awareness of occupational hazards on construction sites, Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 10 (11), art. n. 1355, 2021

Muñoz-La Rivera F., Mora-Serrano J., Valero I., Oñate E., Methodological-Technological Framework for Construction 4.0, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 28 (2), art. n. 689, 2021

Narváez-Muñoz C., Ryzhakov P., Pons-Prats J., Determination of the operational parameters for the manufacturing of spherical pvp particles via electrospray, Polymers, Vol. 13 (4), art. n. 529, 2021

Oller, S., Barbat, A., Barbu, L., Cornejo, A., Jiménez, S., Assessment of the Lifetime of the Containment Building of a Prestressed Nuclear Power Plant, Mecánica Computacional, Vol. XXXVIII (2), pp. 21, 2021.

Puigferrat, A., Pouplana, I., Amato, F., Oñate, E., Numerical prediction of the distribution of black carbon in a street canyon using a semi-Lagrangian finite element formulation, Building and Environment, Vol. 199, art. n. 107910, 2021

Puigferrat, A., Masó, M., Pouplana, I., Casas, G., Oñate, E., Numerical prediction of the distribution of black carbon in a street canyon using a semi-Lagrangian finite element formulation, Building and Environment, Vol. 380, art. n. 113807, 2021

de la Torre Sangrà D., Fantino E., Flores R., Calvente Lozano O., García Estelrich C., An automatic tree search algorithm for the Tisserand graph, Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 60 (1), art. n. 1027, 2021

Ullah, S., Ahmad, F., Al-Sehemi, A., Raza, M., Assiri, M., Irfan, A., Oñate, E., Yeoh, G., Effects of expandable graphite on char morphology and pyrolysis of epoxy based intumescent fire-retardant coating,Journal of applied polymer science, Vol. 138 (41), art. n. 51206, 17 pp., 2021


Barbu, L., Martinez, X., Oller, S.,Análisis numérico de Eco-composites con procedimientos de homogeneización, Materiales Compuestos, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 30-37, 2020

Bravo, R., Ortiz, P., Idelsohn, S., Becker, P., Sediment transport problems by the particle finite element method (PFEM), Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 139-149, 2020

Carbonell, J.M, Rodríguez, J.M. Oñate, E., Modelling 3D metal cutting problems with the particle finite element method, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 63 (3), pp. 603-624, 2020

Celigueta, M.A., Latorre, S., Arrufat, F., Oñate, E., An accurate nonlocal bonded discrete element method for non linear analysis of solids. Application to concrete fracture tests, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 543-553, 2020

Cornejo, A., Mataix, V., Zárate, F., Oñate, E., Combination of an adaptive remeshing technique with a coupled FEM-DEM approach for analysis of crack propagation problems, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 735-752, 2020

Cremonesi, M., Franci, A., Idelsohn, S., Oñate E., A State of the Art Review of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM), Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 1709-1735, 2020

Franci, A., Cremonesi, M., Perego, U., Oñate, E., A Lagrangian nodal integration method for free-surface fluid flows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 361 (1), art. n. 112816, 2020

Franci, A., Cremonesi, M., Perego, U., Crosta G., Oñate E., 3D simulation of Vajont disaster. Part 1: Numerical formulation and validation, Engineering Geology, Vol. 279, art. n. 105854, 2020

Franci, A., Cremonesi, M., Perego, U., Oñate E., Crosta G, 3D simulation of Vajont disaster. Part 2: Multi-failure scenarios, Engineering Geology, Vol. 279, art. n. 105856, 2020

Franci, A., Pouplana, I., Casas, G., Celigueta, M.A., Gutierrez, J., Oñate, E. PFEM–DEM for particle-laden flows with free surface, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 101-120, 2020.

Franci, A., Pouplana, I., Casas, G., Celigueta, M.A., Gutiérrez, J., Oñate, E., Shockwaves in spillways with the particle finite element method, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 101-120, 2020

Idelsohn, S., Nigro, N., Larreteguy, Gimenez, J., Ryzhakov, P., A pseudo-DNS method for the simulation of incompressible fluid flows with instabilities at different scales, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 19-40, 2020

Jiménez, S., Cornejo, A., Barbu, L., Oller, S., Barbat, H., Analysis of the mock-up of a reactor containment building: Comparison with experimental results, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 359 (1), 110454, 2020

Löhner, R., Antil, H., Idelsohn, S., Oñate, E., Detailed simulation of viral propagation in the built environment, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 66, pp. 1093-1107, 2020

Marti, J., Ryzhakov, P., An explicit/implicit Runge–Kutta-based PFEM model for the simulation of thermally coupled incompressible flows, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7., pp. 57-69, 2020

Muñoz-La Rivera, F., Mora-Serrano, J., Valero, I., Oñate, E., Methodological-technological framework for construction 4.0, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Published online, 23 pp., 2020

Puigferrat, A., Pouplana, I., Oñate, E., FIC-FEM formulation for the multidimensional transient advection-diffusion-absorption equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 365, art. n. 112984, 2020

Rodríguez, J., Carbonell, J., Jonsen, P., Numerical methods for the modelling of chip formation, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 27 21), pp. 387-412, 2020

Rodríguez, J., Larsson, S., Carbonell, J., Jonsen, P., Dislocation density based flow stress model applied to the PFEM simulation of orthogonal cutting processes of Ti-6Al-4V, Materials, Vol. 13 (8), 1979, 2020

Salazar, F., San-Mauro, J., Celigueta, M. Á., Oñate, E., Shockwaves in spillways with the particle finite element method, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 87-99, 2020

Sautter, K., Teschemacher, T., Celigueta, M., Bucher, P., Bletzinger, K., Wüchner, R., Partitioned Strong Coupling of Discrete Elements with Large Deformation Structural Finite Elements to Model Impact on Highly Flexible Tension Structures, Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2020 (Special Issue), art. n. 5135194, 2020

Tanyildiz, D., Martí, J., Rossi, R., Solution of Navier–Stokes equations on a fixed mesh using conforming enrichment of velocity and pressure, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 71-86, 2020

Zorrilla, R., Rossi, R., Wüchner, R., Oñate, E., An embedded Finite Element framework for the resolution of strongly coupled Fluid–Structure Interaction problems. Application to volumetric and membrane-like structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 368, pp. 113-179, 2020


Ahmad, F., S. Ullah, N. Haswina bt H. Merican, E. Oñate, A.G.Al-Sehemi, G. Heng Yeoh, An investigation on thermal performance of wollastonite and bentonite reinforced intumescent fire-retardant coating for steel structures, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 228, 116734, 2019.

Arnau P.A., Navarro N., Soraluce J., Martínez-Iglesias J.M., Illas J., Oñate E., Cool Steam method for desalinating seawater, Water, Vol. 11 (11), pp. 2385, 2019.

Cardoso V., Botello S., Zárate F., Oñate E., Finite volume for stress analysis upon polygonal, unstructured and non-conforming meshes, Revista Int. Métodos Númericos para Cáluclo y Diseño en Ingeniería, Vol. 35(4), pp. 47, 2019.

Celigueta M.A., Latorre S., Arrufat F., Oñate E., An accurate nonlocal bonded discrete element method for non linear analysis of solids. Application to concrete fracture tests, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 1-11, 2019.

Flores R., Ortega E., Ilin A., Simpkins D., Oñate E., An implicit unsteady hydraulic solver for suspended cuttings transport in managed pressure wells, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 163-175, 2019.

Franci, A. Pouplana de, I. Casas, G. Celigueta, M.A., Gutierrez, J., Oñate, E., PFEM-DEM for particle-laden flows with free surfaces, Computational Particle Mechanics, In print, 2019.

Irazábal J., Salazar F., Santasusana M., Oñate E., Effect of the integration scheme on the rotation of non-spherical particles with the discrete element method, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 545-559, 2019.

Jou O., Celigueta M.A., Latorre S., Arrufat F., Oñate E., A bonded discrete element method for modeling ship–ice interactions in broken and unbroken sea ice fields, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 739-765, 2019.

Martí, J., Ryzhakov, P., An explicit–implicit finite element model for the numerical solution of incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on moving grid, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 350, pp. 750-765, 2019.

Ortega E., Flores R., Cuartero E., Oñate E., Efficient aeroelastic analysis of inflatable structures using enhanced potential flow aerodynamics, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 90, pp. 230-245, 2019.

Pérez, I., Muniz de Farias, M., Castro, M., Roselló, R., Recarey, C., Medina, L., Oñate, E., Modeling polycrystalline materials with elongated grains, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.118 (3), pp. 121-131, 2019

Recarey, C., Pérez, I., Roselló, R., Muniz, M., Hernández, E., Giraldo, R., Oñate, E., Advances in particle packing algorithms for generating the medium in the Discrete Element Method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 345, pp. 336-362, 2019.

Salazar F., San-Mauro, J., Celigueta, M.A., Oñate, E., Shockwaves in spillways with the particle finite element method, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 1-13, 2019.

Zárate F., Gómez A. y Oñate E., Ensayos experimentales y numéricos de rotura en piezas de hormigón. Hacia el Laboratorio Virtual, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, Vol. 35 (14), 2019.

Zhang X., Oñate E., Galindo Torres S.A., Bleyer J., Krabbenhoft K., A unified Lagrangian formulation for solid and fluid dynamics and its possibility for modelling submarine landslides and their consequences, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 343, pp. 314-338, 2019.


Casas G., Ferrer A., Oñate E., Approximating the Basset force by optimizing the method of van Hinsberg et al., Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 352, pp. 103-171, 2018.

Felippa, C.A., Oñate, E., Idelsohn, S.R. , Variational framework for FIC formulations in continuum mechanics: High order tensor-derivative transformations and invariants, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 919-963, 2018.

González J.M., F. Zárate, E. Oñate, Pulse fracture simulation in shale rock reservoirs: DEM and FEM–DEM approaches, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5(3), pp. 355-373, 2018.

Mataix, V., Flores, F.G., Rossi, R., Oñate, E., Triangular prismatic solid-shell element with generalised deformation description, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 27 (1), pp. 1-32, 2018.

Iaconeta, I.,Larese, A., Rossi, R., Oñate, E., A stabilized mixed implicit Material Point Method for non-linear incompressible solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 5(3), pp. 1-18, 2018.

Löhner, R., Haug, E., Zinggerling, C., Oñate, E., Real-time micro-modelling of city evacuations, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5(1), pp. 71-86, 2018.

Martí, J., Idelsohn, S.R., Oñate, E., A finite element model for the simulation of the UL-94 burning test, Fire Technology, Vol. 54(6), pp. 1783-1805, 2018.

Pouplana I., Oñate E., Finite element modelling of fracture propagation in saturated media using quasi-zero-thickness interface elements, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 96(4), pp. 103-117, 2018.

Recarey C., L.Argüelles, M.M. de Farias, I.P. Pérez, R. Roselló, E. Oñate, Systemic characterization and evaluation of particle packings as initial sets for discrete element simulations, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5(3), pp. 319-334, 2018.

Recarey C., de Farias M.M., Pérez Morales I.P., Oñate E., Roselló Valera R., Real-time micro-modelling of city evacuations, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 213-226, 2018.

Recarey C., Pérez Morales I.P., de Farias M.M., Oñate E., Roselló Valera R., Díaz-Guzmán H., General advancing front packing algorithm for the discrete element method, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5(1), pp. 13-33, 2018.

Ryzhakov, P., Martí, J., A semi-explicit multi-step method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Applied Sciences, Vol. 8(1), pp. 119, 2018.

Zárate F., Cornejo A., Oñate E., A three-dimensional FEM-DEM technique for predicting the evolution of fracture in geomaterials and concrete, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 5(3), pp. 411-420, 2018.

Zárate, F., González, J.M., Miquel, J., Löhner, R., Oñate, E., A coupled fluid FEM-DEM technique for predicting blasting operations in tunnels, Underground Space, Vol. 3(4), pp. 310-316, 2018.

Zárate, F., Oñate, E., Predicción de fracturas en estructuras de hormigón combinando los métodos de elementos finitos y de elementos discretos, Hormigón y Acero, Vol. 69 (S1), pp. 59-69, 2018.

Zhang, X., Sloan, S.W., Oñate, E., Dynamic modelling of retrogressive landslides with emphasis on the role of clay sensitivity, Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 42 (15), pp. 1806-1822, 2018.


Bazilevs, Y., Kamran, K., Moutsanidis, G., Benson, D.J., Oñate, E.  A new formulation for air-blast fluid–structure interaction using an immersed approach. Part I: basic methodology and FEM-based simulations,   Computational Mechanics, vol. 60(1), 83 - 100, 2017. 

Bazilevs, Y., Moutsanidis, G., Bueno, J., Kamran, K., Kamensky, D., Hillman, M.C., Gomez, H., Chen, J.S.  A new formulation for air-blast fluid–structure interaction using an immersed approach: part II—coupling of IGA and meshfree discretizations,  Computational Mechanics , vol. 60(1), 101 - 116, 2017. 

Benkemoun, N., Roubin, E., Colliat, J.-B.  FE design for the numerical modelling of failure induced by differential straining in meso-scale concrete: Algorithmic implementation based on operator split method,  Finite Elements in Analysis and Design , vol. 137, 11 - 25, 2017. 

Bravo, R., Becker, P., Ortiz, P.  Numerical simulation of evolutionary erodible bedforms using the particle finite element method,  Computational Particle Mechanics , vol. 4(3), 297 - 305, 2017.

Briones-Labarca, V., Perez-Wom, M., Habib, G., Giovagnoli-Vicuña, C., Cañas-Sarazua, R., Tabilo-Munizaga, G., Salazar, F.N.  Oenological and quality characteristic on young white wines (Sauvignon blanc): Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing,  Journal of Food Quality , vol. 2017, 2017.

Burczyński, T., Oliver, X., Pietrzyk, M., Huespe, A.  Preface: Multiscale modelling of materials and structures, PT. I, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, vol. 15(4), 2017.

Burczyński, T., Oliver, X., Pietrzyk, M., Huespe, A.  Preface: Multiscale modelling of materials and structures, PT. II,  International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering , vol. 15(5), 2017.

Casas, G., Mukherjee, D., Celigueta, M.A., Zohdi, T.I., Onate, E.  A modular, partitioned, discrete element framework for industrial grain distribution systems with rotating machinery,   Computational Particle Mechanics , vol. 4(2), 181 - 198, 2017.

Celigueta, M.A., Latorre, S., Arrufat, F., Oñate, E.  Accurate modelling of the elastic behavior of a continuum with the Discrete Element Method,   Computational Mechanics , vol. 60(6), 997 - 1010, 2017.

Cervera, M., Tesei, C.  An energy-equivalent d+/d-damage model with enhanced microcrack closure-reopening capabilities for cohesive-frictional materials,  Materials , vol. 10(4), 2017.

Chacón, R., Oller, S.  Designing Experiments Using Digital Fabrication in Structural Dynamics,   Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice , vol. 143(3), 2017.

Cosimo, A., Cardona, A., Idelsohn, S.  Global–Local ROM for the solution of parabolic problems with highly concentrated moving sources,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , vol. 326, 739 - 756, 2017.

Cotela-Dalmau, J., Rossi, R., Larese, A.  Simulation of two- and three-dimensional viscoplastic flows using adaptive mesh refinement,   International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , vol. 112(11), 1636 - 1658, 2017.

Cotela-Dalmau, J., Rossi, R., Oñate, E.  A FIC-based stabilized finite element formulation for turbulent flows,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , vol. 315, 607 - 631, 2017.

Davari, M., Rossi, R., Dadvand, P.  Three embedded techniques for finite element heat flow problem with embedded discontinuities,  Computational Mechanics , vol. 59(6), 1003 - 1030, 2017.

De Pouplana, I., Oñate, E.  A FIC-based stabilized mixed finite element method with equal order interpolation for solid–pore fluid interaction problems,   International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics , vol. 41(1), 110 - 134, 2017.

Dialami, N., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., Agelet de Saracibar, C.  A fast and accurate two-stage strategy to evaluate the effect of the pin tool profile on metal flow, torque and forces in friction stir welding,   International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , vol. 122, 215 - 227, 2017.

Dialami, N., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., de Saracibar, C.A.  Local–global strategy for the prediction of residual stresses in FSW processes,   International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , vol. 88(09/12/2018), 3099 - 3111, 2017.

Dialami, N., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., Segatori, A., Osikowicz, W.  Experimental validation of an FSW model with an enhanced friction law: Application to a threaded cylindrical pin tool,   Metals , vol. 7(11), 2017.

Dialami, N., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Agelet de Saracibar, C.  Challenges in Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Friction Stir Welding Processes,   Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering , vol. 24(1), 189 - 225, 2017.

Dialami, N., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Segatori, A., Osikowicz, W.  Enhanced friction model for Friction Stir Welding (FSW) analysis: Simulation and experimental validation,   International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , vol. 133, 555 - 567, 2017.

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Gustavo Méndez, C., Podestá, J.M., Lloberas-Valls, O., Toro, S., Huespe, A.E., Oliver, J.  Computational material design for acoustic cloaking,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , vol. 112(10), 1353 - 1380, 2017.

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Idelsohn, S.R., Gimenez, J.M., Marti, J., Nigro, N.M.  Elemental enriched spaces for the treatment of weak and strong discontinuous fields,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , vol. 313, 535 - 559, 2017.

Irazábal, J., Salazar, F., Oñate, E.  Numerical modelling of granular materials with spherical discrete particles and the bounded rolling friction model. Application to railway ballast,   Computers and Geotechnics , vol. 85, 220 - 229, 2017.

Labra, C., Rojek, J., Oñate, E.  Discrete/Finite Element Modelling of Rock Cutting with a TBM Disc Cutter,  Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering , vol. 50(3), 621 - 638, 2017.

Lafontaine, N., Cervera, M., Rossi, R., Chiumenti, M.  A stabilized mixed explicit formulation for plasticity with strain localization [Una formulación mixta estabilizada explícita para plasticidad con localización de deformaciones],  Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería , vol. 33(03/04/2018), 250 - 261, 2017.

Lafontaine, N., Rossi, R., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M.  Stabilized mixed explicit finite element formulation for compressible and nearly-incompressible solids [Formulación mixta estabilizada explícita de elementos finitos para sólidos compresibles y quasi-incompresibles],   Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingenierí a , vol. 33(01/02/2018), 35 - 44, 2017.

Larese, A.  A Lagrangian PFEM approach for non-Newtonian viscoplastic materials,   Revista Internacional de Métodos Numericos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería , vol. 33(03/04/2018), 307 - 317, 2017.

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Lloberas-Valls, O., Cafiero, M., Cante, J., Ferrer, A., Oliver, J.  The domain interface method in non-conforming domain decomposition multifield problems,  Computational Mechanics , vol. 59(4), 579 - 610, 2017.

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Montero-Chacón, F., Zaghi, S., Rossi, R., García-Pérez, E., Heras-Pérez, I., Martínez, X., Oller, S., Doblaré, M.  Multiscale thermo-mechanical analysis of multi-layered coatings in solar thermal applications,   Finite Elements in Analysis and Design , vol. 127, 31 - 43, 2017.

Oñate, E., Nadukandi, P., Miquel, J.  Accurate FIC-FEM formulation for the multidimensional steady-state advection–diffusion–absorption equation,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , vol. 327, 352 - 368, 2017.

Petracca, M., Pelà, L., Rossi, R., Oller, S., Camata, G., Spacone, E.  Multiscale computational first order homogenization of thick shells for the analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , vol. 315, 273 - 301, 2017.

Petracca, M., Pelà, L., Rossi, R., Zaghi, S., Camata, G., Spacone, E.  Micro-scale continuous and discrete numerical models for nonlinear analysis of masonry shear walls,   Construction and Building Materials , vol. 149, 296 - 314, 2017.

Rodríguez, J.M., Carbonell, J.M., Cante, J.C., Oliver, J.  Continuous chip formation in metal cutting processes using the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM),  International Journal of Solids and Structures , vol. 120, 81 - 102, 2017.

Ryzhakov, P.  A modified fractional step method for fluid–structure interaction problems,   Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseno en Ingeniería , vol. 33(01/02/2018), 58 - 64, 2017.

Ryzhakov, P.B.  An axisymmetric PFEM formulation for bottle forming simulation,   Computational Particle Mechanics , vol. 4(1), 3 - 12, 2017.

Ryzhakov, P.B., Martí, J., Idelsohn, S., Oñate, E., Fast fluid–structure interaction simulations using a displacement-based finite element model equipped with an explicit streamline integration prediction,   Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 315, pp. 1080-1097, 2017.

Salazar, F., Morán, R., Toledo, M.Á., Oñate, E.  Data-Based Models for the Prediction of Dam Behaviour: A Review and Some Methodological Considerations,  Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering , vol. 24(1), 2017.

Salazar, F., San-Mauro, J., Celigueta, M.Á., Oñate, E.  Air demand estimation in bottom outlets with the particle finite element method: Susqueda Dam case study,   Computational Particle Mechanics , vol. 4(3), 345 - 356, 2017.

Salazar, F., Toledo, M.Á., González, J.M., Oñate, E.  Early detection of anomalies in dam performance: A methodology based on boosted regression trees,   Structural Control and Health Monitoring , vol. 24(11), 2017.

Salazar, F.N., Marangon, M., Labbé, M., Lira, E., Rodríguez-Bencomo, J.J., López, F.  Comparative study of sodium bentonite and sodium-activated bentonite fining during white wine fermentation: its effect on protein content, protein stability, lees volume, and volatile compounds,   European Food Research and Technology , vol. 243(11), 2043 - 2054, 2017.

Saloustros, S., Pelà, L., Cervera, M., Roca, P.  Finite element modelling of internal and multiple localized cracks,  Computational Mechanics , vol. 59(2), 299 - 316, 2017.

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Wu, J.-Y., Cervera, M.  Strain localization of elastic-damaging frictional-cohesive materials: Analytical results and numerical verification,   Materials , vol. 10(4), 2017.

Zárate, F., Cardoso, V.E., Barbat, A., Botello, S.  A new strategy for the vulnerability study of buildings exposed to open-air explosions [Una nueva estrategia para el estudio de la vulnerabilidad de edificios expuestos a explosiones a cielo abierto],   Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería , vol. 33(03/04/2018), 299 - 306, 2017.

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Becker P.A., Idelsohn S.R. A multiresolution strategy for solving landslides using the particle finite element method, Acta Geotechnica, vol.11(3), 643-657, 2016.

Benedetti L., Cervera M., Chiumenti M. High-fidelity prediction of crack formation in 2D and 3D pullout tests, Computers and Structures, vol.172, 93-109, 2016.

Cafiero M., Lloberas-Valls O., Cante J., Oliver J. The domain interface method: a general-purpose non-intrusive technique for non-conforming domain decomposition problems, Computational Mechanics, vol.57(4), 555-581, 2016.

Caires H.R., Esteves T., Quelhas P., Barbosa M.A., Navarro M., Almeida C.R. Macrophage interactions with polylactic acid and chitosan scaffolds lead to improved recruitment of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: A comprehensive study with different immune cells, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol.13(122), 2016.

Celigueta M.A., Deshpande K.M., Latorre S., Oñate E. A FEM-DEM technique for studying the motion of particles in non-Newtonian fluids. Application to the transport of drill cuttings in wellbores, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol.3(2), 263-276, 2016.

Cervera M., Lafontaine N., Rossi R., Chiumenti M. Explicit mixed strain–displacement finite elements for compressible and quasi-incompressible elasticity and plasticity, Computational Mechanics, vol.58(3), 511-532, 2016.

Chacón R., Uribe N., Oller S. Numerical Validation of the Incremental Launching Method of a Steel Bridge Through a Small-Scale Experimental Study, Experimental Techniques, vol.40(1), 333-346, 2016.

Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Dialami N., Wu B., Jinwei L., Agelet de Saracibar C. Numerical modeling of the electron beam welding and its experimental validation, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol.121, 118-133, 2016.

Costarelli S.D., Garelli L., Cruchaga M.A., Storti M.A., Ausensi R., Idelsohn S.R. An embedded strategy for the analysis of fluid structure interaction problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.300, 106-128, 2016.

De-Pouplana I., Oñate E. Combination of a non-local damage model for quasi-brittle materials with a mesh-adaptive finite element technique, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol.112, 26-39, 2016.

Dialami N., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., de Saracibar, C.A. Local-global strategy for the prediction of residual stresses in FSW processes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-13, 2016.

Dias I.F., Oliver J., Lemos J.V., Lloberas-Valls O. Modeling tensile crack propagation in concrete gravity dams via crack-path-field and strain injection techniques, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol.154, 288-310, 2016.

Franci A., Oñate E., Carbonell J.M. Velocity-based formulations for standard and quasi-incompressible hypoelastic-plastic solids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.107(11), 970-990, 2016.

Franci A., Oñate E., Carbonell J.M. Unified Lagrangian formulation for solid and fluid mechanics and FSI problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.298, 520-547, 2016.

Giménez J.M., Nigro N.M., Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E. Surface tension problems solved with the particle finite element method using large time-steps, Computers and Fluids, vol.141, 90-104, 2016.

Giusti S.M., Ferrer A., Oliver J. Topological sensitivity analysis in heterogeneous anisotropic elasticity problem. Theoretical and computational aspects, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.311, 134-150, 2016.

Hauseux P., Roubin E., Seyedi D.M., Colliat J.B. FE modelling with strong discontinuities for 3D tensile and shear fractures: Application to underground excavation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.309, 269-287, 2016.

Lloberas-Valls O., Huespe A.E., Oliver J., Dias I.F. Strain injection techniques in dynamic fracture modeling, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.308, 499-534, 2016.

Miquel J., Nadukandi P., Oñate E. An accurate FIC-FEM formulation for the 1D advection–diffusion–reaction equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 298(1), 373-406, 2016.

Moreno E., Larese A., Cervera M. Modelling of Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley flows with mixed P1/P1 finite elements stabilized with orthogonal subgrid scale, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 228, 1-16, 2016.

Mossaiby F., Ghaderian, M., Rossi R. Implementation of a generalized exponential basis functions method for linear and non-linear problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.105(3), 221-240, 2016.

Oñate E. Finite increment calculus (FIC): a framework for deriving enhanced computational methods in mechanics, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, vol.3, 14, 2016.

Oñate E., Miquel J., Nadukandi P. An accurate FIC-FEM formulation for the 1D advection-diffusion-reaction equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.298, 373-406, 2016.

Otero F., Oller S., Martinez X. Multiscale Computational Homogenization: Review and Proposal of a New Enhanced-First-Order Method, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-27, 2016.

Pelà L., Bourgeois J., Roca P., Cervera M., Chiumenti M. Analysis of the effect of provisional ties on the construction and current deformation of Mallorca cathedral, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, vol.10(4), 418-437, 2016.

Petracca M., Pelà L., Rossi R., Oller S., Camata G., Spacone E. Regularization of first order computational homogenization for multiscale analysis of masonry structures, Computational Mechanics, vol.57(2), 257-276, 2016.

Rango R.F., Nallim L.G., Oller S. An enriched macro finite element for the static analysis of thick general quadrilateral laminated composite plates, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 23(10), 1197-1206, 2016.

Rodríguez J.M., Carbonell J.M., Cante J.C., Oliver J. The particle finite element method (PFEM) in thermo-mechanical problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.107(9), 733-785, 2016.

Ryzhakov P.B., García J., Oñate E. Lagrangian finite element model for the 3D simulation of glass forming processes, Computers and Structures, vol.177, 126-140, 2016.

Ryzhakov P.B., Jarauta, A. An embedded approach for immiscible multi-fluid problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol.81(6), 357-376, 2016.

Salazar F., Toledo M.T., Oñate E., Suárez B. Interpretation of dam deformation and leakage with boosted regression trees, Engineering Structures, vol.119, 230-251, 2016.

Salazar F., Irazábal J., Larese A., Oñate E. Numerical modelling of landslide-generated waves with the particle finite element method (PFEM) and a non-Newtonian flow model, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol.40(6), 809-826, 2016.

Scotta R., Lazzari M., Stecca E., Cotela J., Rossi R. Numerical wind tunnel for aerodynamic and aeroelastic characterization of bridge deck sections, Computers and Structures, vol.167, 96-114, 2016.

Toro S., Sánchez P.J., Podestá J.M., Blanco P.J., Huespe A.E., Feijóo R.A. Cohesive surface model for fracture based on a two-scale formulation: computational implementation aspects, Computational Mechanics, vol.58(4), 549-585, 2016.

Toro S., Sánchez P.J., Blanco P.J., De Souza Neto E.A., Huespe A.E., Feijóo R.A. Multiscale formulation for material failure accounting for cohesive cracks at the macro and micro scales, International Journal of Plasticity, vol.76, 75-110, 2016.

Torres-Sánchez A., Vanegas J.M., Arroyo M. Geometric derivation of the microscopic stress: A covariant central force decomposition, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol.93, 224-239, 2016.

Türk Ö., Boffi D., Codina R. A stabilized finite element method for the two-field and three-field Stokes eigenvalue problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.310, 886-905, 2016.

Ubach P.A., Arrufat F., Ring L., Gandikota R., Zárate F. and Oñate E. Application of an enhanced discrete element method to oil and gas drilling processes, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 3 (1), 29-41, 2016.

Vila O.F., Garrido C., Cano I., Guerra-Rebollo M., Navarro M., Meca-Cortés O., Ma S.P., Engel E., Rubio N., Blanco J. Real-time bioluminescence imaging of cell distribution, growth, and differentiation in a three-dimensional scaffold under interstitial perfusion for tissue engineering, Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods, vol.22(9), 864-872, 2016.


Becker P., Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E. A unified monolithic approach for multifluid flows and fluid-structure interaction using the Particle Finite Element Method with fixed mesh, Computational Mechanics, vol.55(6), 1091-1104, 2015.

Benedetti L., Cervera M., Chiumenti M. Stress-accurate Mixed FEM for soil failure under shallow foundations involving strain localization in plasticity, Computers and Geotechnics, vol.64, 32-47, 2015.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Benedetti L., Codina R. Mixed stabilized finite element methods in nonlinear solid mechanics: Part III: Compressible and incompressible plasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.285, 752-775, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2014.11.040

Cervera M., Wu J.-Y. On the conformity of strong, regularized, embedded and smeared discontinuity approaches for the modeling of localized failure in solids, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol.71, 19-38, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.05.016

Costarelli S.D., Garelli L., Cruchaga M.A., Storti M.A., Ausensi R., Idelsohn, S.R. An embedded strategy for the analysis of fluid structure interaction problems: Numerical implementation on GPU hardware and experimental validation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.300, 106-128, 2015.

Dávalos C., Cante J., Hernández J.A., Oliver J. On the numerical modeling of granular material flows via the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM), International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol.71, 99-125, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.06.013

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Agelet de Saracibar C., Ponthot J.P. Material flow visualization in Friction Stir Welding via particle tracing, International Journal of Material Forming, vol.8(2), 167-181, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s12289-013-1157-4

Feng C., Li S-h., Oñate E. 2D particle contact-based meshfree method in CDEM and its application in geotechnical problems, Engineering Computations, vol.32(4), 1080-1103, 2015.

Di Capua D., Agelet De Saracibar C. A direct elimination algorithm for quasi-static and dynamic contact problems, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol.93, 107-125, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2014.09.001

Di Capua D., Oñate E. Two-noded zigzag beam element accounting for shear effects based on an extended Euler Bernoulli theory, Composite Structures, vol.132, 1192-1205, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.07.031

Franci A., Oñate E., Carbonell J.M. On the effect of the bulk tangent matrix in partitioned solution schemes for nearly incompressible fluids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.102(3-4), 257-277, 2015.

Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E., Nigro N., Becker P., Giménez J. Lagrangian versus Eulerian integration errors, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.293, 191-206, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.04.003

Kamran K., Rossi R., Oñate E. A locally extended finite element method for the simulation of multi-fluid flows using the Particle Level Set method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.294, 1-18, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.05.017

Kempel F., Schartel B., Martí J.M., Butler K.M., Rossi R., Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E., Hofmann A. Modelling the vertical UL 94 test: Competition and collaboration between melt dripping, gasification and combustion, Fire and Materials, vol.39(6), 570-584, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/fam.2257

Kouhi M., Oñate E. An implicit stabilized finite element method for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations using finite calculus, Computational Mechanics, vol.56(1), 113-129, 2015.

Lafontaine N.M., Rossi R., Cervera M., Chiumenti M. Explicit mixed strain-displacement finite element for dynamic geometrically non-linear solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics, vol.55(3), 543-559, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00466-015-1121-x

Larese A., Rossi R., Oñate E., Toledo M.A., Morán R., Campos H. Numerical and experimental study of overtopping and failure of rockfill dams, International Journal of Geomechanics, vol.15(4), 4014060, 2015. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) GM.1943-5622.0000345

Loisel, S., Nguyen, H., Scheichl, R. Optimized Schwarz and 2-Lagrange multiplier methods for multiscale elliptic PDEs, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol.37(6), A2896-A2923, 2015.

Moure M.M., Otero F., García-Castillo S.K., Sánchez-Sáez S., Barbero E., Barbero E.J. Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads, Composite Structures, vol.133, 1048-1057, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.08.045

Nadukandi, P. Numerically stable formulas for a particle-based explicit exponential integrator, Computational Mechanics, vol.55(5), 903-920, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00466-015-1142-5

Oliver J., Caicedo M., Roubin E., Huespe A.E., Hernández J.A. Continuum approach to computational multiscale modeling of propagating fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol.294, 384-427, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.05.012

Oñate E., Zárate F, Miquel J., Santasusana M., Celigueta M.A., Arrufat F., Gandikota R., Valiullin K., Ring L. A local constitutive model for the discrete element method. Application to geomaterials and concrete, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol.2(2), 139-160, 2015.

Pérez M., Oller S., Felippa C. A., Gil L. Micro-mechanical approach for the vibration analysis of CFRP laminates under impact-induced damage, Composites Part B: Engineering, vol.83, 306-316, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.08.059

Pujades L.G., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., Barbat A.H., González-Drigo J.R. Parametric model for capacity curves, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol.13(5), 1347-1376, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-014-9670-5

Salazar F., Toledo M.A., Morán R., Oñate E. An empirical comparison of machine learning techniques for dam behaviour modelling structural safety, Structural Safety, vol.56, 9-17, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2015.05.001

Zárate F., Oñate E. A simple FEM–DEM technique for fracture prediction in materials and structures, Computational Particle Mechanics, vol.2(3), 301-314, 2015.


Agelet de Saracibar C., Cervera M., N. Dialami N. and Seret A., Computational modeling and sub-grid scale stabilization of incompressibility and convection in the numerical simulation of friction stir welding processes, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering , Vol. 21 (1), pp. 3-37, 2014.

Ávila M., Codina R. and Principe J., Large eddy simulation of low Mach number flows using a dynamical and nonlinear finite element subgrid scale model, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 99, pp. 44-66, 2014.

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Bouchart Ch., Kanok-Nukulchai W., Ortega E. and Oñate E., A shallow water model by finite point method,  International Journal of Computational Methods , Vol. 11 (1), pp. 1350047, 2014.    

Bussetta P., Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Agelet de Saracibar C., Cervera M. and Ponthot J.P., Comparison of a fluid and a solid approach for the numerical simulation of friction stir welding with a non-cylindrical pin, Steel Research International , Vol. 85 (6), pp. 968-979, 2014.

Carreño M.L., Cardona O.D. and Barbat A.H., Método numérico para la evaluación holística del riesgo sísmico utilizando la teoría de conjuntos difusos, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería , Vol. 30(1), pp. 25-34, 2014.

Castillo E. and Codina R.,Stabilized stress-velocity-pressure finite element formulations of the Navier-Stokes problem for fluids with nonlinear viscosity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol. 279, pp. 554-578, 2014.

Castillo E. and Codina R., Variational multi-scale stabilized formulations for the stationary three-field incompressible viscoelastic flow problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,  Vol. 279, pp. 579-605, 2014.

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Agelet de Saracibar C. andPonthot J.P., Material flow visualization in friction stir welding via particle tracing, Int. Journal of Material Forming , First published online: 20 December 2013.

Eijo A., Oñate E. and Oller S., Delamination in laminated plates using the 4-noded quadrilateral qlrz plate element based on the refined zigzag theory,  Composite Structures , Vol. 108, pp. 456-471, 2014.

Espinoza H., Codina R. and Badia S. , A Sommerfeld non-reflecting boundary condition for the wave equation in mixed form , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 276, pp. 122-148, 2014.

Idelsohn S.R., Marti J., Becker P. and Oñate E.,  Analysis of multifluid flows with large time steps using the particle finite element method,  Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 75, pp. 621-644, 2014.

Kempel F., Schartel B., Marti J.M., Burlter K.M., Rossi R., Idelsohn S.R., Oñate E. and Hofmann A., Modelling the vertical UL 94 test: competition and collaboration between melt dripping, gasification and combustion,  Fire and Materials, an International Journal (FAM) ,  Published online, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2014.

Kouhi M. and Oñate E.,  A stabilized finite element formulation for high-speed inviscid compressible flows using finite calculus,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ,  Vol. 74 (2), pp. 872-897, 2014.

Kouhi M., Dehghan Manshadi M. and Oñate E.,  Geometry optimization of the diffuser for the supersonic wind tunnel using genetic algorithm and adaptive mesh refinement technique,  Aerospace Science and Technology , Vol. 36, pp. 64-74, 2014.

Marulanda M.C., Cardona O.D., Mora M.G. and Barbat A.H., Design and implementation of a voluntary collective earthquake insurance policy to cover low-income homeowners in a developing country, Natural Hazards , Vol. 74, pp. 2071-2088, 2014.

Norachan P., Kim K.D. and Oñate E., Analysis of segmentally constructed prestressed concrete bridges using hexahedral elements with realistic tendon profiles,  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) , Vol. 140 (6), pp. 04014028/1-17, 2014. 

Ortega E., Oñate E., Idelsohn S. and Flores R.,  Comparative accuracy and performance assessment of the finite point method in compressible flow problems,  Computers and Fluids ,  Vol. 89, pp. 53-65, 2014.

Ortega E., Oñate E., Idelsohn S.R. and Flores R., Application of the finite point method to high-reynolds number compressible flow problems,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 74 (10), pp. 732-748, 2014.

Oñate E., Franci A. and Carbonell J.M., A particle finite element method for analysis of industrial forming processes,  Computational Mechanics , Vol. 54 (1), pp. 85-107, 2014.     

Oñate E., Celigueta M.A., Latorre S., Casas G., Rossi R. and Rojek J., Lagrangian analysis of multiscale particulate flows with the particle finite element method,  Computational Particle Mechanics , Vol. 1, pp. 85-102, 2014. 

Oñate E., Franci A. and Carbonell J.M., Lagrangian formulation for finite element analysis of quasi-incompressible fluids with reduced mass losses,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 74, pp. 699-731, 2014. 

Oñate E., Nadukandi P. and Idelsohn S.,  P1/P0+ elements for incompressible flows with discontinuous material properties,  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering ,  Vol. 271, pp. 185-209, 2014.

Pelà L., Cervera M., Oller S. and Chiumenti M., A localized mapped damage model for orthotropic materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics . Vols. 124–125, pp. 196–216, 2014.

Pérez M.A., Gil L., Sánchez M. and Oller S., Comparative experimental analysis of the effect caused by artificial and real induced damage in composite laminates. Composite Structures . Vol. 112, pp. 169–178, 2014.

Pérez M.A., Gil L. and Oller S., Impact damage identification in composite laminates using vibration testing, Composite Structures . Vol. 108 (1), pp. 267-276, 2014.

Ryzhakov P., Cotela J., Rossi R. and Onate, E.,  A two-step monolithic method for the efficient simulation of incompressible flows,  International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 74 (12), pp. 919-934, 2014.

Soudah E., Rossi R., Idelsohn S. and Oñate E., A reduced-order model based on the coupled 1D-3D finite element simulations for an efficient analysis of hemodynamics problems,  Computational Mechanics ,  Vol. 54 (4), pp. 1013-1022, 2014.

Velásquez C.A., Cardona O.D., Mora M.G., Yamin L.E., Carreño M.L. and Barbat A.H., Hybrid loss exceedance curve (HLEC) for disaster risk assessment, Natural Hazards , Vol. 72, pp. 455-479, 2014.

Velásquez C.A., Cardona O.D., Carreño M.L. and Barbat A.H., Retrospective assessment of risk to natural hazards, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction , Published online 21 May 2014.

Yamin L.E., Hurtado A.I., Barbat A.H., Cardona O.D., Seismic and wind vulnerability assessment for the GAR-13 global risk model, International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction , Published online 20 May 2014.


Avila-Haro J. A., González-Drigo J. R., Vargas Y. F., Pujades L. G. and Barbat A. H., Deterministic and probabilistic earthquake scenarios for the seismic risk analysis of URM buildings, Key Engineering Materials , Vols . 525-526, pp. 537-540, 2013.

Badia S., Codina R. and Planas R., On unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics, Journal of Computational Physics , Vol. 234, pp. 399-416, 2013.

Baiges J. and Codina R., A variational multiscale method with subscales on the element boundaries for the Helmholtz equation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Vol. 93, pp. 664-684, 2013.

Baiges J., Codina R. and Idelsohn S., A domain decomposition strategy for reduced order models. Application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol. 267, pp. 23-42, 2013.

Baiges J., Codina R. and Idelsohn S., Explicit reduced order models for the stabilized finite element approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 72, pp. 1219-1243, 2013.

Barbero E., Martínez X. and Sosa E.M., Reliability design methodology for confined high pressure inflatable structures. Engineering Structures , Vol. 51, pp. 1-9, 2013.

Birkmann J., Cardona O.D., Carreño M.L., Barbat A.H., Pelling M., Schneiderbauer S., Kienberger S., Keiler M., Zeil P. and Welle T.,  Framing vulnerability, risk and societal responses: the MOVE framework, Natural Hazards , Vol. 67(2), pp. 193-211, 2013.

Bussetta P., Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Agelet de Saracibar C., Cervera M. and Ponthot J.P., Comparison of a fluid and a solid approach for the numerical simulation of friction stir welding with a non-cylindrical pin, Steel Research International . First published on-line: 13 December 2013. Vol. 85 (6), pp. 968–979, 2014.

Carbonell J.M., Oñate E. and Suarez, B., Modelling of tunnelling processes and rock cutting tool wear with the Particle Finite Element Method, Computational Mechanics , Vol. 52 (3), pp. 607-629, 2013.

Chacón R., Uribe N. and Oller S., Numerical validation of the incremental launching method of a steel bridge through a small-scale experimental study. Experimental Techniques (SEM) . Wiley Online Library. 9 December 2013.

Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Agelet de Saracibar C. and Dialami  N.,  Numerical modeling of friction stir welding processes, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol. 254, pp. 353-369, 2013.

Codina R. and Badia S., On the design of discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems based on hybrid formulations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol. 263, pp. 158-168, 2013.

Dadvand P., Rossi, R., Gil M., Martorell X., Cotela J. Juanpere E., Idelsohn S. and Oñate E.,  Migration of a generic multi-physics framework to HPC environments, Computers and Fluids , Vol. 80 (SI), pp. 301-309, 2013.

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M. and Agelet de Saracibar C., An apropos kinematic framework for the numerical modeling of friction stir welding, Computers & Structures , Vol. 117, pp. 48-57, 2013.

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Agelet de Saracibar C. and Ponthot J.P., Material flow visualization in friction stir welding via particle tracing, International Journal of Material Forming , First published online: 20 December 2013.

Eijo A., Oñate E. and Oller S., A numerical model of delamination in composite laminated beams using the LRZ beam element based on the refined zigzag theory, Composite Structures , Vol. 104, pp. 270-280, 2013.

Eijo, A., Oñate E. and Oller S., A four-noded quadrilateral element for composite laminated plates/shells using the refined zigzag theory, Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Vol. 95 (8), pp. 631-660, 2013.

Gens A., Valleján B., Zandarín M-T. and Sánchez M., Homogenization in clay barriers and seals: Two case studies. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 191-199, 2013.

Guasch O. and Codina R., Statistical behavior of the orthogonal subgrid scale stabilization terms in the finite element large eddy simulation of turbulent flows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 261-262, pp.154-166, 2013.

Hachem E., Feghali S., Codina R. and Coupez T., Anisotropic adaptive meshing and monolithic variational multiscale method for fluid-structure interaction, Computers and Structures , Vol. 122, pp. 88-100, 2013.

Hachem E., Feghali S., Codina R. and Coupez T., Immersed stress method for fluid structure interaction using anisotropic mesh adaption , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Vol. 94, pp. 805-825, 2013.

Herrera R.I., Vielma J.C., Ugel R., Alfaro A., Barbat A.H. and Pujades L., Seismic response and torsional effects of RC structure with irregular plant and variations in diaphragms, designed with Venezuelan codes, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment , Vol. 132, pp. 85-96, 2013.

Idelsohn, S., Nigro, N., Gimenez, J., Rossi, R., Martí, J., A fast and accurate method to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations Engineering Computations, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 197-222, 2013.

Kamran K., Rossi R. and Oñate E., A compressible Lagrangian framework for modeling the fluid–structure interaction in the underwater implosion of an aluminum cylinder, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS) , Vol. 23 (2), pp. 339-367, 2013.

Kamran K., Rossi R. and Oñate E., A contact algorithm for shell problems via Delaunay-based meshing of the contact domain, Computational Mechanics , Vol. 52 (1), pp. 1-16, 2013.

Kamran K., Rossi R., Oñate E. and Idelsohn S., A compressible Lagrangian framework for the simulation of the underwater implosion of large air bubbles, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Vol. 255 (1), pp. 210-225, 2013.

Kouhi M., Lee D. S., Bugeda G. and Oñate E., Multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization using MOGA coupled to advanced adaptive mesh refinement, Computers and Fluids , Vol. 88, pp. 298-312, 2013.

Larese A., Rossi R., Oñate, E., Toledo M., Moran R. and Campos, H., Numerical and experimental study of overtopping and failure of rockfill dams, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE) , Published online 07 August 2013.

Lee D.S., Morillo C., Oller S., Bugeda G. and Oñate E.,  Robust design optimisation of advanced hybrid (fiber-metal) composite structures, Composite Structures , Vol. 99, pp. 181-192, 2013.

Lee D.S., Bugeda G., Periaux J. and Oñate E.,  Robust active shock control bump design optimisation using hybrid parallel MOGA, Computers and Fluids , Vol. 80, pp. 214-224, 2013

Marulanda M.C. , Carreño M.L., Cardona O.D., Ordaz M.G. and  Barbat A.H., Probabilistic earthquake risk assessment using CAPRA. Application to the city of Barcelona, Spain, Natural Hazards , Vol. 84, pp. 69-59, 2013.

Oller S.A., Nallim L. and Oller S., An integrated procedure for the structural design of a composite rotor-hydrofoil of a water current turbine (WCT). Applied Composite Materials . Vol. 20 (6), pp.1273-1288, 2013.

Oñate E., Marti J., Ryzhakov P., Rossi R. and Idelsohn S., Analysis of the melting, burning and flame spread of polymers with the particle finite element method , Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science , Vol. 20 (3), pp. 165-184, 2013.

Otin R., García-Castillo L.E., Martínez-Fernández I. and García-Doñoro D., Computational performance of a weighted regularized Maxwell equation finite element formulation, Progress in Electromagnetics Research , Vol. 136, pp. 61-77, 2013.

Pérez M.A., Martínez X., Oller S., Gil L., Rastellini F. and Flores F., Impact damage prediction in carbon fiber-reinforced laminated composite using the matrix-reinforced mixing theory, Composite Structures , Vol. 104, pp. 239 - 248, 2013.

Rango R.F., Nallim L.G. and Oller S., Static and dynamic analysis of thick laminated plates using enriched macroelements, Composite Structures , Vol. 101, pp. 94–103, 2013.

Rossi, R., Larese de Tetto A., Dadvand P. and Oñate E. An efficient edge-based level set finite element method for free surface flow problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol. 71 (6), pp. 687-716, 2013.

Rupcich M., Cerrolaza M. and Bravo R., Biomechanical analysis of the human hip in children with hip arthrodesis , J. of Biomed Eng Res. , Vol. 2(2), pp. 59-65, 2013.

Ryzhakov P., Rossi, R., Viña A. and Oñate E., Modelling and simulation of the sea-landing of aerial vehicles using the Particle Finite Element Method, Ocean Engineering , Vol. 66, pp. 92-100, 2013.

Salazar F., Morán R., Rossi R. and Oñate E., Analysis of the discharge capacity of radial-gated spillways using CFD and ANN - Oliana Dam case study, Journal of Hydraulic Research , Vol. 51 (3), pp. 244-252, 2013.

Ugel R., Herrera R.I., Vielma J.C., Barbat A.H. and Pujades L., Seismic and structural response of a framed four level building with RC and steel structure designed according to current Venezuelan codes , WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol. 132, pp. 109-120, 2013.

Valcárcel J., Mora M.G., Cardona O.D., Pujades L.G., Barbat A.H. and Bernal G.A., Methodology and applications for the benefit cost analysis of the seismic risk reduction of building portfolios at broad scale, Natural Hazards , Vol. 69, pp. 845–868, 2013.

Vargas Y. F., Pujades L. G., Barbat A. H. and Hurtado J. E., Capacity, fragility and damage in reinforced concrete buildings: a probabilistic approach, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering , Vol.11(6), pp. 2007-2032, 2013.

Vargas Y. F., Barbat A. H., Pujades L. G. and Hurtado J. E., Probabilistic seismic risk evaluation of reinforced concrete buildings, Structures and Buildings (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering), 2013, http:// .


Idelsohn, S., Ryzhakov, P., Martí, J., Oñate, E., Combined Eulerian-PFEM approach for analysis of polymers in fire situations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 92 (9), pp. 782-801, 2012.


Idelsohn, S., Martí, J., Limache, A., Oñate, E., Unified Lagrangian formulation for elastic solids and incompressible fluids: Application to fluid-structure interaction problems via the PFEM, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197, pp. 19-20, 2008.

Idelsohn, S., Martí, J., Souto-Iglesias, A., Oñate, E., Interaction between an elastic structure and free-surface flows: Experimental versus numerical comparisons using the PFEM, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 43 (1), pp. 19-20, 2008.