Saturday, May 4, 2024     [ login ]
The Aulas CIMNE (or CIMNE Classrooms) are physical spaces that act as joint-labs for cooperation in education and research and technology development (RTD) activities in the field of numerical methods in engineering. Each Aula is created by a partnership agreement between CIMNE and a university. Currently there are 30 Aulas CIMNE in the following countries:
Argentina (5), Spain (6), Mexico (4), Colombia (3), Brasil (4),
Chile (3), Perú (1), Cuba (2), El Salvador (1) and Guatemala (1).
May 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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AIAC firma un acuerdo de colaboración con SAPAL (México)

La Asociación Internacional de Aulas CIMNE (AIAC) ha firmado un acuerdo de colabora...
Rogelio Ortigosa recibe el Premio Juan Carlos Simó

El co-director del Aula CIMNE ETSINO, Rogelio Ortigosa, ha sido premiado por la Sociedad Espa&n...
Concluye el Segundo Simposio Internacional de Aulas CIMNE

El Segundo Simposio Internacional de Aulas CIMNE concluye con la participación
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