flumen institute

In 2012, the Government of Catalunya created the FLUMEN Institute for River Dynamics and Hydrologic Engineering as a partnership between CIMNE and UPC · BarcelonaTech.


FLUMEN Institute is the outcome of merging the prestigious Flumen RTD group existing since 2005 at the School of Civil Engineering of UPC · BarcelonaTech and CIMNE, bringing together the numerical and experimental expertise of Flumen RTD group in hydraulics with the broad experience of CIMNE on numerical methods, computer simulation and integration of decision support systems.

The objectives of FLUMEN are the promotion of RTD and technology transfer activities in the field of river dynamics and hydrologic engineering. The Flumen Institute is directed by Prof. Ernest Bladé.

FlumenNew premises

The new building that hosts the Flumen Institute was completed by the end of 2015. Researchers moved to the new facilities during the first months of 2016. This new building, located at the North Campus of UPC · BarcelonaTech is equipped with modern experimental facilities for model scale testing of river dynamic and hydraulic problems. It also provides work areas for researchers at the graduate level (masters, doctoral and postdoc) and for senior researchers from CIMNE and UPC · BarcelonaTech.

FlumenLaboratory of River Dynamics and Hydrological Engineering

The research group of River Dynamics and Hydrologic Engineering manages a laboratory which offers different services in the fields of river hydrodynamics, urban hydrology, reservoir dynamics, dam hydraulics, explotation of irragation canals and fluid-soil-structure interaction. These services are open to the industry and private sector. All of them are detailed on the CERCAGINYS platform.


CERCAGINYS is a platform to access at the scientific and technical infrastructures of the 41 CERCA centres. The web, public from September 2022, includes platforms some 200 classified by categories and by quality accreditations.