Book Chapters


Caro, C.; Blade, E.; Gerónimo, D., Seguimiento a la administración del recurso hídrico en cuencas rurales, Agua y desarrollo sostenible, p. 15-18, 2021.


Blade, E.; Sanz-Ramos, M.; Vericat, D.; Palau Ibars, Antoni New tools to assess the suitability of physical habitat (SPH) and the weighted usable area (WUA) for fishes, Advances in Hydroinformatics. SimHydro 2019: Models for Extreme Situations and Crisis Management, pp. 735-743, 2020.

Sanz-Ramos, M.; Tellez, J.; Blade, E.; Gomez, M. Simulating the hydrodynamics of sewer-inlets using a 2D-SWE based model, Advances in Hydroinformatics. SimHydro 2019: Models for Extreme Situations and Crisis Management, pp. 821-838, 2020.


Marti, B.; Duc, T.; Blade, E.; Dolz, J. ASAR/ENVISAT images for the calibration of the wind hydrodynamic effect on Doñana wetlands, Remote sensing and hydrology, pp. 459-463, 2012.